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Centre for Advanced Studies in Labour Welfare, RGNUL welcomes submissions of Articles, Essays, and proposals for Book Reviews through our electronic submission system.


We are pleased to announce a Call for Papers for the forthcoming book on "Law, Governance, and Policy" to be published by the Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law. This book aims to provide a comprehensive and insightful exploration of the critical aspects and emerging trends in the field of law, governance, and policy with a pāarticular focus on the Right to Information (RTI).




The proposed book seeks to delve into the multifaceted dimensions of law, governance, and policy with a special emphasis on the Right to Information Act. The Right to Information is an essential tool in promoting transparency, accountability, and participatory governance. As the world evolves, the role and impact of RTI on legal systems and governance mechanisms are continuously evolving, making it essential to explore and understand these changes.


The book will be a compilation of well-researched and thought-provoking contributions from scholars, researchers, and practitioners from diverse legal and interdisciplinary backgrounds. It will serve as an invaluable resource for academics, policymakers, legal professionals, and anyone interested in the dynamics of law, governance, and policy.



The ‘Right to Know is the Right to Live’. Transparency and access to information is pivotal to the functioning of a democracy. An informed citizen is an empowered one. For this one should have free, unfettered access to information. The jurisprudence of Democracy revolves around the pure concept of ‘accountability’ which can only be achieved if people in authority and power are subject to public gaze and speculations. Vast powers vested with the public authorities has led to maladministration, misuse of power and corruption, which necessitated the introduction of Right to Information Act, 2005. It is in fact a fundamental and transformatory right against the arbitrary use of power.




  • A Tool of Good Governance

  • Role of Information Technology in RTI

  • Pro-Active disclosure in the field of RTI

  • Record Management and RTI

  • Success Stories in the field of RTI

  • Best Practices in the Implementation of RTI

  • Regulatory Mechanism and RTI

  • Political Promises and Accountability


Please note: The themes are merely illustrative and not exhaustive. Any paper written within the broader purview of the theme will be considered.




​All submissions must contain the following:The manuscript should be in .doc or .docx format.The manuscript should not contain the name of the author or his/ her institutional affiliation or any other identification mark. Ensure that the title of the document has been renamed to the title of the post [without any personal detail of the author(s)]. The title of the manuscript should indicate the sub-theme that the author has chosen. The submission must be made through the Google form linked at the end of this page.​

Last Date for Submission: September 15, 2023


​​NOTE: No cross-publication is allowed.

In case of any query please reach out to us at or

contact student editors Kunal Yadav (+91 99589 87512) | Paankhurie Srivastava (+91 94251 33990)

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